A Tale of Yoga: Who Am I ? Tiger Mom, or…

As a yoga teacher, I got inspired reading this “yoga real” article from Chris Guillebeau -- who I am admiring a lot. Warnings! It can stir your inner juices during self-reflection, your yoga experience and your ‘way of being’ in a good way. As it did on me, forcing me to ask a question “what … Continue reading A Tale of Yoga: Who Am I ? Tiger Mom, or…

BECOMING a YOGA TEACHER: “Now, where to go?”

Becoming a yoga teacher is a rewarding journey and not for everyone. No matter your age, location, finances, gender or background, listen to your heart. Inspired by Rachael Carlevale article, I will reflect on my jounrey to become yoga teacher. For two and half months, I worked hard between and around my nursing shifts to … Continue reading BECOMING a YOGA TEACHER: “Now, where to go?”